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King Salmon


King (Chinook) salmon are famous for their grand size and buttery, rich flavor. They are considered the most prized catch and highly sought-after! They average around 25 pounds, but may range from 10 to 90 pounds. 

Flavor and Texture

Buttery texture

Full and hearty flavor

Rich in oil content

Perfect for baking, smoking, grilling, canning, pan sear

Harvest Area and Run Season

Copper River, Mid-May through July

Prince William Sound, June through July

Available Forms and Cuts

Fresh or Frozen:

  • Whole

  • Headed & Gutted (H&G)

  • Head On

  • Fillet

  • Heads


MSC Certified

fresh salmon fillet on black stone surfa
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Camtu's Alaska Wild Seafoods

PO BOX 1502, 129 Harbor Loop Road, Cordova, AK 99574

Tel: (907) 424 - 3124 | Fax: (907) 424 - 3193 | Email:

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